How to Eat Your Way Through Portland’s Pine Street Market: From slices of pizza to bibimbap, this is how hit all of Pine Street Market’s stalls in one go

In 2016, downtown Portland became home to some of Portland’s biggest names in a sprawling food hall. First conceived as a restaurant incubator of sorts, the Pine Street Market gave new and existing restaurants the opportunity to evolve in a large space with access to new customers and lower rent than a traditional restaurant. Now, Pine Street Market has become a stalwart among tourists and locals alike.

Smack-dab in the middle of a city overflowing with great eats and drinks, Portland’s first food hall in the historic Baggage and Carriage Building is something of a cross between a food cart pod and a casual food court. Home to Portland’s original Old Spaghetti Factory from 1969 to 1981 and a string of infamous Portland nightclubs in the early ‘80s, the location is now kind of the best of both worlds. With booze at practically every establishment, ordering a drink from the food hall’s various stalls turns any dining crawl into a pub crawl, without ever leaving the building.

For those looking to taste the entire market in one go, a group of six adult people with adult-sized stomachs is likely the best move. That way, you can divide and conquer, bringing back plates to enjoy family-style at one of the large community tables. Since the lineup of restaurants rotates periodically, experiences may vary depending on when you visit.

Read more here on Eater Portland…

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